Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Building Permits. WITH or WITHOUT?

WITH! Please do your projects WITH PERMITS! Yes, I am shouting here!
A few good reasons to pull permits:

1. If there are any alterations, repairs or additions discovered that are not indicated on a parcel the Seller might be liable to pull the required permit(s) and pay late fee(s).

2. Sellers are required to disclose any work done on a property with and/or without permits to perspective Buyers. Sometimes Buyers are OK with non-permitted work, sometimes they aren’t!

3. If work done without permits is not to current building standards or code, the Seller might be liable to correct it. This can be costly depending on the scope of work.

4. Some areas have a required City Resale Inspection Report to be performed on the property before it can be sold.

OK, I’m done shouting now. Phew!